MapStruct is a code generator for creating efficient, type-safe bean-to-bean mappings in Java.
I have two methods for mapping entity to domain. RDomain entityToDomain(REntity rEntity) /* this method ignores some of the fields …
java mapstructI currently have a Map<String, String> that contains values in the form key = value and I would …
java mapstructI'm using one mapper generated with MapStruct: @Mapper public interface CustomerMapper { Customer mapBankCustomerToCustomer(BankCustomerData bankCustomer); } The default component model is …
spring unit-testing dependency-injection mapstructi have an object school that has an object person, persons are already saved in a data base and when …
java mapstructI'm using: spring-boot 2.1.5.RELEASE mapstruct 1.3.0.Final lombok 1.18.8 and I'm trying to map two objects, Model and DTO: DTO ClientDto - …
java lombok mapstructUsing latest Springboot and MapStruct versions and building with Maven, I am trying to implement the "Start Here" example given …
java spring-boot maven mapping mapstructI am using MapStruct to map from a JPA entity to a POJO DTO, in a Spring app with dependency …
java decorator mapstruct