Top "Mapstruct" questions

MapStruct is a code generator for creating efficient, type-safe bean-to-bean mappings in Java.

Mapstruct : Ambiguous mapping methods found for mapping collection element

I have two methods for mapping entity to domain. RDomain entityToDomain(REntity rEntity) /* this method ignores some of the fields …

java mapstruct
Mapstruct mapping Boolean to String

I have several Boolean fields in my model class (source). The target field in my DTO class is String. I …

java string boolean mapping mapstruct
MapStruct: mapping from java.util.Map to Bean?

I currently have a Map<String, String> that contains values in the form key = value and I would …

java mapstruct
MapStruct mapper not injected in Spring Unit Tests

I'm using one mapper generated with MapStruct: @Mapper public interface CustomerMapper { Customer mapBankCustomerToCustomer(BankCustomerData bankCustomer); } The default component model is …

spring unit-testing dependency-injection mapstruct
How to get Eclipse to generate MapStruct Mappers using Gradle

Is there any special copnfiguration to get eclipse to generate the Mapstruct mappers? Curently they are not being generated. They …

java eclipse gradle mapstruct
mapstruct map an id to an object

i have an object school that has an object person, persons are already saved in a data base and when …

java mapstruct
Mapstruct problem: Unknown property error, but property is present

I'm using: spring-boot 2.1.5.RELEASE mapstruct 1.3.0.Final lombok 1.18.8 and I'm trying to map two objects, Model and DTO: DTO ClientDto - …

java lombok mapstruct
MapStruct - Cannot find implementation

Using latest Springboot and MapStruct versions and building with Maven, I am trying to implement the "Start Here" example given …

java spring-boot maven mapping mapstruct
How to use decorated method in Mapstruct collection mapper?

I am using MapStruct to map from a JPA entity to a POJO DTO, in a Spring app with dependency …

java decorator mapstruct