Top "Map-function" questions

A map function is a higher-order function that applies a function to each element in a list, building a list of the results.

Is there a difference between foreach and map?

Ok this is more of a computer science question, than a question based on a particular language, but is there …

foreach language-agnostic computer-science map-function
JavaScript "new Array(n)" and "" weirdness

I've observed this in Firefox-3.5.7/Firebug-1.5.3 and Firefox-3.6.16/Firebug-1.6.2 When I fire up Firebug: What's going on here? Is this …

javascript arrays map-function
"this" is undefined inside map function Reactjs

I'm working with Reactjs, writing a menu component. "use strict"; var React = require("react"); var Menus = React.createClass({ item_url: …

javascript reactjs this map-function
Mapping a function on the values of a map in Clojure

I want to transform one map of values to another map with the same keys but with a function applied …

dictionary clojure map-function
Map, Filter, Foldr in DrRacket/Scheme

Programming language: Scheme/DrRacket We're currently going over map, filter, and foldr in my comp sci class. I understand that …

filter functional-programming scheme fold map-function
What is the difference between .map, .every, and .forEach?

I've always wondered what the difference between them were. They all seem to do the same thing...

javascript foreach map-function
Pass multiple parameters to

The takes a variable number of iterables from which the function given is called. How should …

python concurrency iterator future map-function
Condition in map function

Is there anything in Scala like, condition ? first_expression : second_expression; that I can use within map function in scala? …

scala apache-spark spark-streaming map-function 1 element to multiple element

I have [3, 16, 120]. when I do [3, 16, 120].map(mapper), I want to achieve, for example [4,5, 17,18, 121,122] i.e. each element map to n+1 …

javascript map-function
Prolog map procedure that applies predicate to list elements

How do you write a Prolog procedure map(List, PredName, Result) that applies the predicate PredName(Arg, Res) to the …

prolog map-function meta-predicate