Mantis bugnotes formatting

N30 picture N30 · Nov 1, 2010 · Viewed 15.7k times · Source

Is it possible to format bugnotes(comments) entered in Mantis bug tracker for an issue ?

I am using Mantis v1.0.8


"sample mantis bug notes"

which appears as plain text.

I would like to make it bold or to display in different color

e.g. similar to

does any other bug tracking system allow such feature ?


Dariusz Walczak picture Dariusz Walczak · Aug 31, 2013

As it was said by Gawcio and mhu, the list is limited and in current mantis 1.2.15 use of following tags is allowed in description and other multi-line fields: <p>, <li>, <ul>, <ol>, <br>, <pre>, <i>, <b>, <u>, <em>, <strong>.

Additionally, following tags are allowed in summary and other single-line fields (e.g. OS or Platform): <i>, <b>, <u>, <em>, <strong>. That's funny to have some emphasis in issue summary, right? :)

What is not explicitly said, is that these lists are customizable. Unfortunately, they are so-called global settings, so they can't be set using web interface, but if you have a possibility of tweaking the installed mantis code, you can modify the <mantis-doc-root>/config_inc.php file (which is purposed to be modified locally) and add following options there:

 * These are the valid html tags for multi-line fields (e.g. description)
 * [...]
$g_html_valid_tags = 'p, li, ul, ol, br, pre, i, b, u, em, strong, code';

 * These are the valid html tags for single line fields (e.g. issue summary).
 * [...]
$g_html_valid_tags_single_line = 'i, b, u, em, strong, code';

After server restart, you should be able to use the <code> tag in summary and description of your issues.

Unfortunately, mantis tags filters seem to disallow any tag attributes, so it won't be easy to allow free formatting. Personally, I have adjusted its style sheet to tweak the colour in which content of <pre> and <code> tags is displayed. To achieve it, you can edit the <mantis-doc-root>/css/default.css` file and add/adjust following rules:

pre         { margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; color: #0000CC; }
code        { color: #0000CC; }
em > strong { color: #CC0000; }

This way your report may gain some colours :)