Resubscribe a user to a MailChimp list after unsubscribe

Hugh Wormington picture Hugh Wormington · Feb 10, 2017 · Viewed 8.4k times · Source

My site allows users to subscribe to MailChimp lists using the API via Drupal MailChimp module. But if a user unsubscribes by following the link in the email, and subsequently decides to re-subscribe by visiting my website and checking the "subscribe" box, MailChimp responds with

[email protected] is in a compliance state due to unsubscribe, bounce, or compliance review and cannot be subscribed.

What is the solution assuming the user really wants to re-subscribe?


nmit026 picture nmit026 · Mar 21, 2017

Set the member's status to pending. That should resend the opt-in email.


Apparently this does not work anymore if the address was not unsubscribed through the API.

Also, don't be a jerk and downvote what was obviously previously a useful answer just because the API changed. Please inform the person who took the time to help you that the API has changed using a comment, not a downvote.