How to use magnific-popup to retrieve and popup an html5 video from my server instead of getting the video from youtube, vimo, ...?
<video width="500" height="350" controls>
<source src="/static/video/bunny.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
Your browser does not support this video format.
I have got this to work using the following as a link to open the video:
<a class="popup-player" href="/static/video/bunny.mp4">
video link
and then used the Iframe type to display it:
type: 'iframe',
mainClass: 'mfp-fade',
removalDelay: 160,
preloader: false,
fixedContentPos: false,
iframe: {
markup: '<div class="mfp-iframe-scaler">'+
'<div class="mfp-close"></div>'+
'<iframe class="mfp-iframe" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>'+
srcAction: 'iframe_src',
This is a very basic version, it opens the video in an iframe but I have yet to work out how to change the things like the height and width. I'm still learning this stuff so I dont know how it works I just know it puts a video up on the screen. If you get it working and build a more complex version please let me know so I can improve my version.