How do I customise the starting number for orders, invoices etc in Magento 1.5?
From magento's forum:
There is a table in the database which stored increment id of order. It is called “eav_entity_store” table. You can check which entity type id belongs to which entity by looking at eav_entity_type table. You can run following query to update last increment id for the order.update eav_entity_store inner join eav_entity_type on eav_entity_type.entity_type_id = eav_entity_store.entity_type_id set eav_entity_store.increment_last_id=3001 where eav_entity_type.entity_type_code='order';
With a tool like phpmyadmin look at your database. In the table eav_entity_type you will find all entity types listed. The one of interest to change where the order number starts is order sales/order. Remember the entity_type_id (in my install it is 11). To remove the leading zeros (padding) set increment_pad_length to 1.
Next go to the table eav_entity_store. Look up the entity_type_id. Now you can change the value of increment_prefix and increment_last_id. If you wanted to have your next orderId to be 15000 set increment_last_id to 14999 and increment_prefix to 0.
Additionally you need to make a copy of this file
public function getPadLength()
$padLength = $this->getData('pad_length');
if (empty($padLength)) {
$padLength = 0;
return $padLength;
public function format($id)
$result= str_pad((string)$id, $this->getPadLength(), $this->getPadChar(), STR_PAD_LEFT);
return $result;
Hope That Helps