How I can allow free shipping for only specific product in Magento?

Muhammad Azam picture Muhammad Azam · Sep 10, 2015 · Viewed 10.5k times · Source

I am working on Magento online store. My client wants to offer free shipping for few products. When I enable free shipping from admin panel system->configuration it enables it for all products as well as it shows other shipping radio boxes also with free shipping. This is wrong. I need when user select product that is with free shipping offer, the customer should get only free shipping option on checkout and other options like ups should be hidden. Keep in mind that I did not need min. order amount free shipping offer. It should just come with specific products regardless of its price .


Manashvi Birla picture Manashvi Birla · Sep 10, 2015

By default Magento behaviour, if you enable free shipping from admin panel system->configuration , then free shipping will be enabled for all the products.

If you want to enable free shipping for specific products, perform below steps :

  • Go to Admin Panel -> Promotion -> Shopping Cart Price Rules

While creating new rule, you required to fill all Rules related fields

Rule Name: Enter name for your rule. You can set any Name to your rule. It is for internal use only.

Status: Set Active to apply rule

Websites: Select Websites to where you want to apply rule

Customer Group: Select entire Customer Group or those Group you want to apply

Coupon: If you want to add coupon then select specified coupon from drop-down (It is not mandatory to add coupon)

Uses per Coupon: It specify the number, that how many times customer can uses per coupon

From Date, To Date: It is the time validation of setting rule

Priority: Set value 0 or 1 for priority. Lowest priority rule will apply first.

Public in RSS Feed: Set yes if you want to distribute your information on-line

Set Condition: To set specified condition click on Green plus symbol then select Attribute Combination. After that choose attribute or categories or SKU that you want. You can select more than one condition.

In "Free Shipping" field select For matching items only by clicking drop-down

  • Save the rule by clicking on "save"

  • Go to Admin -> System -> Configuration -> Sales -> Shipping Methods -> Free Shipping. Set Free Shipping Enabled to "No"

  • Save the configuration.