Hyper Terminal is showing ~% instead of $

bmc picture bmc · Jun 27, 2020 · Viewed 8.8k times · Source

After restarting my Mac which is running on MacOs Catalina 10.15.3, Hyper shows

username@MacBook-Air ~ %

instead of the regular $. Why is that and what does the percentage symbol mean?

Im also not able to check the version of my hyper using the command line, see below:

username@MacBook-Air ~ % hyper --version

The option "version" is unknown. Here's a list of all available options:

Usage: hyper [options] [command]


<default>                    Launch Hyper
d, docs, h, home             Open the npm page of a plugin
help                         Display help
i, install                   Install a plugin
ls, list                     List installed plugins
lsr, list-remote, ls-remote  List plugins available on npm
s, search                    Search for plugins on npm
u, uninstall, rm, remove     Uninstall a plugin
version                      Show the version of hyper


-h, --help     Output usage information
-v, --verbose  Verbose mode (disabled by default)



Philippe picture Philippe · Jun 27, 2020

The percent sign does not have a particular meaning.

It has not much to do with Hyper Terminal, but with the shell you use (bash or zsh).

Usually bash uses $, whereas zsh uses %.

Take a look at: Google: bash+zsh+prompt