When a font is activated through Adobe Fonts, where does it get stored on my computer?
And why doesn't it show up in Font Book?
Background: I recently ran into a situation where I was trying to verify that my CSS @font-family tags were working correctly. I opened Font Book to verify that I did NOT have the font already installed, then proceeded to open my HTML file in Chrome. Everything looked great! But it turned out that I DID have the font installed via Adobe Fonts. So my test was invalid and unfortunately my tags were not setup correctly.
The fonts are located on your machine in the following folders:
/Users/<your user name>/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CoreSync/plugins/livetype/.r
Windows: C:\Users\<your user name>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CoreSync\plugins\livetype\r
You likely need to make sure you can see hidden/invisible files.