I have installed MacVim but I cannot figure out how to do some formatting things.
The screen shot below shows:
Here is what I would like to do:
The default color of my terminal is green. I would like the default text color to be green for mac vim as well.
The font is strange in macvim. How can I change that.
I think that both of these are very basic macvim questions but I could not find a really good mac vim reference. I read the :help macvim
but I didn't find it that helpful. What should I read to understand macvim formatting and features better? Is there a tutorial somewhere? I feel pretty happy with my vim skills in general but this is the first gvim I have used.
This is my .gvimrc
set background=dark
set go-=T
This is the color scheme for .jak files located in (~/.vim/syntax/jak.vim
16 "===============
17 " Titles
18 "===============
20 syn region JakeSubSubtitle start=+= + end=+ =\n+ oneline
21 highlight JakeSubSubtitle ctermfg=cyan guifg=cyan
23 syn region JakeSubtitle start=+== + end=+==+ oneline
24 highlight JakeSubtitle ctermbg=black ctermfg=DarkMagenta guifg=DarkMagenta
26 syn region JakeTitle start=+=== + end=+===+ oneline
27 highlight JakeTitle ctermbg=black ctermfg=Yellow guifg=yellow
29 syn region JakeMasterTitle start=+==== + end=+====+ oneline
30 highlight JakeMasterTitle cterm=bold term=bold ctermbg=black ctermfg=LightBlue guifg=LightBlue
32 "===============
33 " Keywords
34 "===============
36 syn keyword JakeKeywords AssQuestion Question TODO Answer JAKEHTTPS PossibleProblem Note done LowPrio
37 highlight JakeKeywords cterm=bold term=bold ctermbg=black ctermfg=blue guifg=blue
39 syn keyword JakeRedKeywords Priority HighPriority containedin=ALL
40 highlight JakeRedKeywords cterm=bold term=bold ctermbg=black ctermfg=Red
42 syn keyword JakeLongTermKeywords ReturnTo Ask containedin=all
43 highlight JakeLongTermKeywords ctermfg=lightGreen
For the font issue (in .gvimrc):
set guifont=Menlo:h11.00
will set the font in MacVim to Menlo, size 11.
As for the syntax highlighting, it might just be that the colorscheme you are using in console vim is not being picked up by MacVim:
colorscheme xoria256
Putting this command in .gvimrc will use the xoria256 colorscheme (for example). I have found that the colorscheme setting in .vimrc are not always picked up correctly.