Texmaker not updating the PDF viewer

user2691824 picture user2691824 · May 11, 2015 · Viewed 16.9k times · Source

I created bash file which constantly compiles the my latex file, the problem is though that the PDFviewer in texmaker doesn't update, eventhoug the raw PDF file is updated. How come is does the PDFviewer keep showing the old PDF until i use Texmaker to compile the texmaker?... I want the embedded PDFviewer in texmaker to update, the PDF it shows even though i don't use texmaker to compile the .tex file.

The bash file.

while true
    pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode /Users/Johnathan/Documents/Bachelor/Rp/bachelor.tex
    sleep 4


Fani.G picture Fani.G · Oct 5, 2018

I know this question is old, but I just had the same problem and found a solution for some Mac Users at least:

The short explanation: since El Capitan, there is no /usr/ directory anymore, but this is where Texmaker looks for latex. In Texmaker -> Preferences -> Commands, substitute every /usr/ expression with /Library/TeX/, which is where Latex is installed.

This document holds all the details. https://tug.org/mactex/UpdatingForElCapitan.pdf
