NSImageView image aspect fill?

zumzum picture zumzum · Apr 11, 2014 · Viewed 13.7k times · Source

So I am used to UIImageView, and being able to set different ways of how its image is displayed in it. Like for example AspectFill mode etc...

I would like to accomplish the same thing using NSImageView on a mac app. Does NSImageView work similarly to UIImageView in that regard or how would I go about showing an image in an NSImageView and picking different ways of displaying that image?


Chris Demiris picture Chris Demiris · Aug 3, 2016

You may find it much easier to subclass NSView and provide a CALayer that does the aspect fill for you. Here is what the init might look like for this NSView subclass.

- (id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frame andImage:(NSImage*)image
  self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
  if (self) {
    self.layer = [[CALayer alloc] init];
    self.layer.contentsGravity = kCAGravityResizeAspectFill;
    self.layer.contents = image;
    self.wantsLayer = YES;
  return self;

Note that the order of setting the layer, then settings wantsLayer is very important (if you set wantsLayer first, you'll get a default backing layer instead).

You could have a setImage method that simply updates the contents of the layer.