"User interaction is not allowed" trying to sign an OSX app using codesign

Trejkaz picture Trejkaz · Nov 25, 2013 · Viewed 83.7k times · Source

Our automated build is running on Jenkins. The build itself is running on slaves, with the slaves being executed via SSH.

I get an error:

00:03:25.113 [codesign-app] build/App.app: User interaction is not allowed.

I have tried every suggestion I have seen so far in other posts here:

  • Using security unlock-keychain immediately before signing to unlock the keychain.
  • Moving the signing key out into its own keychain.
  • Moving the signing key into the login keychain.
  • Moving the signing key into the system keychain.
  • Manually setting list-keychains to only the keychain which contains the key.

In all cases, I get the same error.

In an attempt to diagnose the issue, I tried running the "security unlock-keychain" command on my local terminal and found that it doesn't actually unlock the keychain - if I look in Keychain Access, the lock symbol is still there. This is the case whether I pass the password on the command-line or whether I let it prompt me for it. Unlocking the same keychain using the GUI will prompt me for the password and then unlock it. Additionally, if I run "security lock-keychain", I do see the key lock immediately after running the command. This makes me think that unlock-keychain doesn't actually work. I experience the same behaviour on Lion (which we're using for the build slaves) and Mavericks (which I'm developing on.)

Next, I tried adding -v to all the security commands:

list-keychains "-d" "system" "-s" "/Users/tester/.secret/App.keychain"
Listing keychains to see if it was added: ((
unlock-keychain "-p" "**PASSWORD**" "/Users/tester/.secret/App.keychain"
build/App.app: User interaction is not allowed.

From this, it would seem that list-keychains is what isn't working. Maybe neither work. :/

There is a similar question here. The solution is interesting - set "SessionCreate" to true in launchctl. But I'm not building on the master - my build process is started from SSH on a slave build machine. Maybe there is a command-line way to do what launchctl is doing when you run "SessionCreate"?


bmauter picture bmauter · Mar 25, 2014

I too have been fighting this. Nothing helped until I tried the suggestion on http://devnet.jetbrains.com/thread/311971. Thanks ashish agrawal!

Login your build user via the GUI and open Keychain Access. Select your signing private key, right-click, choose Get Info, change to the Access Control tab and select the "Allow all applications to access this item".

access control tab