Turn Macbook into iBeacon

user2887527 picture user2887527 · Oct 16, 2013 · Viewed 39.2k times · Source

I know that I can turn iOS devices into iBeacons (Can an iOS7 device act as an iBeacon?). Unfortunately, I only have one device and my beacons have not arrived yet. So I was wondering how I could turn my MacBook Air (Mid-2011, does support Bluetooth 4.0) into an iBeacon for testing purposes. Are there any ready-made applications available like the airlocate for iOS? Thanks in advance!


mttrb picture mttrb · Nov 2, 2013

Note: This only works in Mavericks, it does NOT work in Yosemite.

Mavericks doesn't have the iBeacon support in Core Location that was added to iOS 7. However, Mavericks does now have the ability to act as an BLE peripheral device. Given that an iBeacon is basically a peripheral it should be (and indeed is) possible to use Mavericks as an iBeacon.

In order to create an iBeacon on iOS you first create a CLBeaconRegion object and then use the peripheralDataWithMeasuredPower: method to get an NSDictionary containing the necessary advertisement data to broadcast. If you take the contents of this NSDictionary from an iOS device and use it on Mavericks then you get an iBeacon.

I have created a class to make this easier and allow you to generate the advertisement data dictionary directly on Mavericks. The source code is available at https://github.com/mttrb/BeaconOSX

The BLCBeaconAdvertisementData class take the proximityUUID, major, minor and calibrated power values and creates an NSDictionary that can be passed to the startAdvertising: method of CBPeripheralManager on Mavericks.

The BLCBeaconAdvertisementData class is quite simple. The main work is done by the following method:

- (NSDictionary *)beaconAdvertisement {
    NSString *beaconKey = @"kCBAdvDataAppleBeaconKey";

    unsigned char advertisementBytes[21] = {0};

    [self.proximityUUID getUUIDBytes:(unsigned char *)&advertisementBytes];

    advertisementBytes[16] = (unsigned char)(self.major >> 8);
    advertisementBytes[17] = (unsigned char)(self.major & 255);

    advertisementBytes[18] = (unsigned char)(self.minor >> 8);
    advertisementBytes[19] = (unsigned char)(self.minor & 255);

    advertisementBytes[20] = self.measuredPower;

    NSMutableData *advertisement = [NSMutableData dataWithBytes:advertisementBytes length:21];

    return [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:advertisement forKey:beaconKey];

I have a more detailed blog post about this at http://www.blendedcocoa.com/blog/2013/11/02/mavericks-as-an-ibeacon/