I want to do something like this:
tell application "Terminal"
do script "ssh [email protected]"
-- // write user's password
-- // write some linux commands to remote server
end tell
For example to log in to the server, enter the password, and then login to mysql and select a DB.
I type that every day and it would be really helpful to bundle it into a script.
Also, is there a reference of what commands, properties, functions, etc. do applications (Terminal, Finder, etc) have available to use within Applescript? thanks!
EDIT: Let me clear this up: I don't want to do several 'do script' as I tried and doesn't work. I want to open a Terminal window, and then emulate a human typing in some characters and hitting enter. Could be passwords, could be commands, whatever, just sending chars to the Terminal which happens to be running ssh. I tried keystroke and doesn't seem to work.
First connect to the server and wait for 6 seconds (you can change that) and then execute whatever you need on the remote server using the same tab
tell application "Terminal"
set currentTab to do script ("ssh user@server;")
delay 6
do script ("do something remote") in currentTab
end tell