How do I use the current folder name without a path as a variable in automator in Mac?

Tony New picture Tony New · Apr 5, 2013 · Viewed 28.8k times · Source

I am using Mac OSX 10.8.3.

I have a workflow in Automator set up that is as follows:

  1. Ask for Finder Items
  2. Get Folder Contents
  3. Make Sequential
  4. Move Finder Items

The purpose of the workflow is to automate renaming a bunch of photos that I have saved in folders then move them to an new folder.

I want to grab the foldername and stick it in a variable and use that variable in the "new name box" in the Make Sequential section of the work flow (see attached) image.

How do I grab just the folder name and assign it to a variable. My example has a variable called "FolderName"

Here is a screenshot screen shot


markhunte picture markhunte · Jul 16, 2013

This works in testing:

  1. Ask for finder Items - set type to Folders.
  2. Set Value of Variable - this will be the path to the folder taken from action 1.
  3. Run Shell Script - set the Pass input : as argument. And use /usr/bin/basename "$1" as the command line to get the folder name
  4. Set Value of Variable - this will be the folderName of the folder taken from action 3.
  5. Get Value of Variable - set the Variable it obtains the value of to path

    5a. set action 5 to ignore input from the above action 4 - Ctrl + mouse click on the action Title to get the Contextual Menu

  6. Get Folder Contents - get the contents of the folder at the path passed on from Action 5

  7. Rename Finder Items - Set to Make Sequential and new name = the folderName Variable

enter image description here

You can add your Move actions after as you wish.