After upgrade to OSX 10.8.2 "latex: command not found"

joelwatsonfish picture joelwatsonfish · Dec 17, 2012 · Viewed 9.3k times · Source

I've been using the vim-latex suite on my mac (10.7.?) for months with no problem. Over the weekend, I upgraded the OS to 10.8.2, and now my tex files fail to compile. The compile command


produces no errors within vim, but no pdf-file gets produced. If I drop to the command line in a terminal, the following command

latex document.tex


-bash: latex: command not found

Similarly, for pdflatex. I'm not sure if this is a path error, or if latex for 10.8.2 needs to be reinstalled. I'm not sure how to proceed in either case.


Yoga picture Yoga · Apr 10, 2013

I had the same problem and typing:

export PATH=/usr/texbin:$PATH

seems to work fine in a shell. Although it no longer works if I open a new shell, this is a faster solution to re-downloading and re-installing the huge MacTeX program.