I would like to add the kappa evaluation metric to use in xgboost in Python. I am having trouble understanding how to connect a Python function with xgboost.
According to the xgboost documentation, a "User can add multiple evaluation metrics, for python user, remember to pass the metrics in as list of parameters pairs instead of map, so that latter ‘eval_metric’ won’t override previous one"
This has been raised in xgboost's github page for R but not for Python.
For example if the kappa function is:
def kappa(preds, y):
# perform kappa calculation
return score
How do I go about implementing it with xgboost?
Specifing 'kappa'
as a string in the eval_metric
results in XGBoostError: unknown evaluation metric type: kappa
Likewise specifying the kappa method object results in XGBoostError: unknown evaluation metric type: <function kappa at 0x7fbef4b03488>
How can a custom evaluation metric be used in xgboost in python?
Change your method to:
def kappa(preds, y):
# perform kappa calculation
return 'kappa', score
And use it with feval
bst = xgb.train(params, dtrain, num_rounds, watchlist, feval=kappa, maximize=False)
When writing custom evaluation metrics remember about setting maximize
argument. Setting it to true means that the algorithm is getting better with bigger score of the evaluation metric.