Top "Lxml" questions

lxml is a full-featured, high performance Python library for processing XML and HTML.

How do I use xml namespaces with find/findall in lxml?

I'm trying to parse content in an OpenOffice ODS spreadsheet. The ods format is essentially just a zipfile with a …

python xml lxml xml-namespaces elementtree
lxml etree xmlparser remove unwanted namespace

I have an xml doc that I am trying to parse using Etree.lxml <Envelope xmlns="http://www.example.…

python lxml xml-parsing elementtree
Error while installing lxml through pip: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required

I am on a windows 10 machine and recently moved from python 2.7 to 3.5. When trying to install lxml through pip, it …

python visual-c++ pip lxml
How to use lxml to find an element by text?

Assume we have the following html: <html> <body> <a href="/1234.html">TEXT A</…

python html lxml
Set lxml as default BeautifulSoup parser

I'm working on a web scraping project and have ran into problems with speed. To try to fix it, I …

python html beautifulsoup html-parsing lxml
How do you install lxml on OS X Leopard without using MacPorts or Fink?

I've tried this and run in to problems a bunch of times in the past. Does anyone have a recipe …

python macos shell lxml osx-leopard install lxml with Python2.6 on CentOS

I have installed Python 2.6.6 on CentOS 5.4, [@SC-055 lxml-2.3beta1]$ python Python 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Jan 4 2011, 09:49:55) [GCC 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-46)] on linux2 Type "…

python lxml python-2.6 python-import centos5
Parsing HTML with Lxml

I need help parsing out some text from a page with lxml. I tried beautifulsoup and the html of the …

python html parsing lxml
Incredibly basic lxml questions: getting HTML/string content of lxml.etree._Element?

This is such a basic question that I actually can't find it in the docs :-/ In the following: img = …

python lxml
python lxml - modify attributes

from lxml import objectify, etree root = etree.fromstring('''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?> <scenario> <…

python xml lxml