How to resize a linux container in proxmox

Sergey S. picture Sergey S. · Sep 3, 2015 · Viewed 8.1k times · Source

I'm trying to change an lxc container size in new proxmox 4 on debian jessie. But there is no checkbox (which was in openvz containers) for changing a size from proxmox interface. Changing a size in lxc container configuration file and restarting the services won't help. Backing up a container and then restoring it doesn't give an option of changing a size as well.


Artem Pastukhov picture Artem Pastukhov · Oct 21, 2015

According to proxmox forum, you can do this with command line :

pct resize <vmid> <disk> <size> [OPTIONS]

where disk is usually rootfs and size can use suffixes like 500G. More details in the help: pct help resize