Installation of luasocket using luarocks

Ankur Gupta picture Ankur Gupta · Aug 2, 2013 · Viewed 8k times · Source

I installed luarocks in my windows xp(32 bit) system following instructions available on

to install luasocket from luarocks I used command "luarocks install luasocket" in command prompt. but ended up eith an error:

**Warning: Failed searching manifest: Failed loading manifest: Failed fetching man
ifest for - Error fetching file: Failed d
Error: No results matching query were found.**

so it was not able to find out luasocket.rock file. I downloaded file luasocket-2.0.2-5.src.rock from link :

Now I tried to install this .rock file using command luarocks install luarocks install "C :\Documents and Settings\Ankur_Gupta37\Desktop\LuaRocks\2.1\lua\luarocks"

(I put luasocket-2.0.2-5.src.rock at location "C :\Documents and Settings\Ankur_Gupta37\Desktop\LuaRocks\2.1\lua\luarocks\luasocket-2.0.2-5.src.rock")

but again ended up with an error :

**set INCLUDE=C:/Documents and Settings/Ankur_Gupta37/Desktop/LuaRocks/2.1/include
;%INCLUDE% &set LIB=C:/Documents and Settings/Ankur_Gupta37/Desktop/LuaRocks/2.1
;%LIB% &msbuild /p:"VCBuildAdditionalOptions= /useenv" luasocket.sln &mkdir mime
 & mkdir socket &cp src/mime.dll mime/core.dll &cp src/socket.dll socket/core.dl
'msbuild' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
cp: cannot stat `src/mime.dll': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `src/socket.dll': No such file or directory
Error: Build error: Failed building.**

any body tell me the problem and its solution..


moteus picture moteus · Aug 2, 2013

You could try install latest version from git. Current status is 3.0 rc1. This version compatible with Lua 5.1/5.2 e.g.

luarocks install


luarocks install luasocket --only-server=

This rockspec works with gcc (MinGW) and with MSVC. If you use MSVC you should run luarocks form Visual Studio Command Prompt if you use MinGW then you should add path to mingw32-gcc in to %PATH% environment variable.