Most efficient way to determine if a Lua table is empty (contains no entries)?

Amber picture Amber · Aug 10, 2009 · Viewed 73.1k times · Source

What's the most efficient way to determine if a table is empty (that is, currently contains neither array-style values nor dict-style values)?

Currently, I'm using next():

if not next(myTable) then
    -- Table is empty

Is there a more efficient way?

Note: The # operator does not suffice here, as it only operates on the array-style values in the table - thus #{test=2} is indistinguishable from #{} because both return 0. Also note that checking if the table variable is nil does not suffice as I am not looking for nil values, but rather tables with 0 entries (i.e. {}).


Norman Ramsey picture Norman Ramsey · Aug 10, 2009

Your code is efficient but wrong. (Consider {[false]=0}.) The correct code is

if next(myTable) == nil then
   -- myTable is empty

For maximum efficiency you'll want to bind next to a local variable, e.g.,

local next = next 
... if next(...) ...