I have a lotus-script agent which runs as Web User since I need to know who the current user is and process information accordingly. The problem is that when sending a email in this agent the From email address shows the web user email address rather than the one I have defined. I am setting the following fields before I send the email (as mime):
mailDoc.Form = "Memo"
mailDoc.Subject = strSubject
mailDoc.InetSendTo = strFrom
mailDoc.PostedDate = Now
mailDoc.Principal = strFrom
mailDoc.FROM = strFrom
mailDoc.INETFROM = strFrom
mailDoc.~INetPrincipal = strFrom
mailDoc.ReplyTo = strFrom
mailDoc.SendFrom = strFrom
mailDoc.SentBy = strFrom
mailDoc.altFrom = strFrom
mailDoc.tmpDisplaySentBy = strFrom
mailDoc.DisplaySent = strFrom
mailDoc.ToShow = strFrom
mailDoc.SendTo = strSendTo
But still the From address is shown as the web user's address. What am I missing here? Any help would be really appreciated.
Actually searching through the forums I found a solution to this age old problem (http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/nd6forum.nsf/0/13706561dc7d693f852570af0062fcec?OpenDocument):
Principle = "[email protected]"
maildoc.Form = "Memo"
' Principal overrides From
' Must be formatted as below and must include the domain @xyz.com
' Format should equal: "From User" <[email protected]@DOMAIN>
maildoc.Principal = |"Customer Service" <| + Principle + |@xyz.com>|
maildoc.From = Principle
maildoc.AltFrom = Principle
maildoc.SendFrom = Principle
maildoc.INetFrom = Principle
maildoc.tmpDisplaySentBy = Principle
maildoc.tmpDisplayFrom_Preview = Principle
maildoc.DisplaySent = Principle
Hope this helps other people - this has been a issue for me for a very long time!!