Top "Loops" questions

Loops are a type of control flow structure in programming in which a series of statements may be executed repeatedly until some condition is met.

Java Delay/Wait

How do I delay a while loop to 1 second intervals without slowing down the entire code / computer it's running on …

java loops delay wait notify
How to make a vector using a for loop

I'm very new to R (and programming in general) and I've been stuck on this (probably very easy) question for …

r loops vector indexing sequence
Speed up the loop operation in R

I have a big performance problem in R. I wrote a function that iterates over a data.frame object. It …

performance r loops rcpp r-faq
How to loop through dates using Bash?

I have such bash script: array=( '2015-01-01', '2015-01-02' ) for i in "${array[@]}" do python /…

bash loops date
Looping in a spiral

A friend was in need of an algorithm that would let him loop through the elements of an NxM matrix (…

algorithm matrix loops spiral
How can I loop through all subviews of a UIView, and their subviews and their subviews

How can I loop through all subviews of a UIView, and their subviews and their subviews?

iphone objective-c loops uiview subview
Why do you have to call .items() when iterating over a dictionary in Python?

Why do you have to call items() to iterate over key, value pairs in a dictionary? ie. dic = {'one': '1…

python loops dictionary
Very simple prime number test - I think I'm not understanding the for loop

I am practicing past exam papers for a basic java exam, and I am finding it difficult to make a …

java loops for-loop iterator primes
Looping through alphabets in Bash

I want to mv all the files starting with 'x' to directory 'x'; something like: mv path1/x*.ext path2/…

bash loops for-loop
How to reverse tuples in Python?

Possible Duplicate: Traverse a list in reverse order in Python Is this possible? Doesn't have to be in place, just …

python loops iteration tuples