Top "Looper" questions

A JQuery plugin for carousel.

LocationManager requestLocationUpdates() in GPS Android

I have developed an application as a service that handles basic HTTP requests. When the phone receives a HTTP Post …

android gps looper
Android: Issue using a handler and postDelayed()

I am trying to use a Handler to have some code execute in some amount of time. This works well …

android handler looper
java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't create handler inside thread that has not called Looper.prepare()

I am using simple thread to execute the httpGet to server when a button is clicked, but I get this …

java android multithreading handler looper
Android: Only one Looper may be created per thread

I am having a problem with Android looper. I have a class that has extended AsynTask. Inside doInBackground() method i …

android looper
Handlers initialized with Looper.getMainLooper() does not respond to message callbacks

I am trying to implement Handlers listening on the same Looper from different threads. Below I have two Handlers, one …

android multithreading handler looper
using a Looper in a Service is the same as using a separate thread?

In this example from the documentation (, we use the "looper" of …

android multithreading service looper
How to better unit test Looper and Handler code on Android?

I use the android.os.Handler class to perform tasks on the background. When unit testing these, I call Looper.…

android multithreading unit-testing looper
`Can't create handler...Looper.prepare()` in inherited Activity

I have a Game Activity (Activity A) that works well with all the code. Then I create a new Activity (…

java android handler toast looper