Top "Long-integer" questions

A long integer is an integer number, typically twice the size of a standard integer.

Why can't your switch statement data type be long, Java?

Here's an excerpt from Sun's Java tutorials: A switch works with the byte, short, char, and int primitive data types. …

java switch-statement long-integer language-design
Format a number to display a comma when larger than a thousand

I am writing some code in Visual and have a question. If I have a long number, that … string long-integer number-formatting tryparse
What is 1LL or 2LL in C and C++?

I was looking at some of the solutions in Google Code Jam and some people used this things that I …

c++ c math long-integer cmath
What's the difference between unsigned long/long/int in c/c++?

It seems all of them take 4 bytes of space, so what's the difference?

c syntax integer long-integer
Isn't an Int64 equal to a long in C#?

I have been playing around with SQL and databases in C# via SqlCeConnection. I have been using ExecuteReader to read …

c# sql-server-ce long-integer int64 int32
Java creating byte array whose size is represented by a long

I'm trying to create a byte array whose size is of type long. For example, think of it as: long …

java arrays byte long-integer
Unsigned long in Java

Currently, I am using signed values, -2^63 to 2^63-1. Now I need the same range (2 * 2^64), but with positive values only. …

java long-integer biginteger unsigned
Cannot implicitly convert type 'double' to 'long'

In this code i got the above error in lines i commented. public double bigzarb(long u, long v) { double …

c# double long-integer
How to display the maximum value of a unsigned long long in C?

What am I doing wrong here? $ cat size.c #include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> int …

c types long-integer
Is it OK to compare an int and a long in Java

Is it OK to compare an int and a long in Java... long l = 800L int i = 4 if (i < …

java long-integer