Hybris hMC login configuration

ResourceReaper picture ResourceReaper · Nov 4, 2013 · Viewed 10.9k times · Source

Forgive me here if this is a complete newbie question. At work, they are (as I am as well) trying to onboard me into using Hybris. While the documentation on the wiki.hybris site is not well placed, most of the information is there. I am however having some trouble finding how to change default HMC logins credential?

When I rebuilt the server, it forced me to reinitialize the database, and thus changed all of the logins. I managed to find the cms login, but I am curious as to where the HMC admin login is stored at?, as it appears to be changed, and I need to find it. I know that it heavily leverages Spring, and I searched the .xml files for a password, but I am not finding what I need.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Abed Yaseen picture Abed Yaseen · Nov 4, 2013

they are exist in different location in .impex files (importer files) , that you initialize the store for the first time , those .impex files got imported to your database

example of one location :


as there are multiple starter stores that comes with hybris (accelerator, telcoaccelerator, and powershop b2b) I suggest you to search as text for username or password in all files extention = .impex then change for files that belong to your store .

i did a quick search , not only in .impex file , the hmc admin/nimda seems to changes from


# Login and password for the automatic logging into the hMC

hope that helped you .
