How to control QuickFix printouts

Jonathan picture Jonathan · Jun 1, 2011 · Viewed 8.1k times · Source

I'm using QuickFix with Python bindings.
How is it possible to control QuickFix's printouts?
As far as I can tell, there are no configuration parameters for this, and QuickFix dumps a lot of logs into the stdout...

Here's an example log (replaced private info with xxxxx)

<20110603-16:56:28.172, FIX.4.3:xxxxx->xxxxx, incoming>


bavaza picture bavaza · Jan 2, 2013

When you instantiate a QF application you typically provide 'Factories', e.g.

settings = fix.SessionSettings( fix_settings_file )
storeFactory = fix.FileStoreFactory( settings )
logFactory = fix.ScreenLogFactory( settings )
initiator = fix.SocketInitiator( self, storeFactory, settings, logFactory )

If you pass None instead of the logFactory (or equivalently omit the parameter), QF will not log messages on screen:

settings = fix.SessionSettings( fix_settings_file )
storeFactory = fix.FileStoreFactory( settings )    
initiator = fix.SocketInitiator( self, storeFactory, settings, logFactory = None) # or: fix.SocketInitiator( self, storeFactory, settings)