How to access local server on a PC using Opera Mobile

Yamini Indrakanti picture Yamini Indrakanti · Oct 6, 2011 · Viewed 9.6k times · Source

I am trying to test my website on Opera Mobile on my PC. But I am not able to connect to the local server using the mobile browser. Could any one of you tell me what all settings need to be changed in order to make this thing work?

Your answers will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance, Yamini


David d C e Freitas picture David d C e Freitas · Oct 6, 2011

Using Opera Mobile in non turbo or non mini mode should work for accessing your locally hosted server.

Try going into the Settings of Opera Mobile and turning off Compression/Mini/Turbo.

Then you should be able to access your localhost/ hosted site.

Alternatively, try using the IP address of your own machine rather than the local address.