How to change ngrok's web interface port address (not 4040)?

zelusp picture zelusp · Mar 15, 2016 · Viewed 7.8k times · Source

ngrok's awesome web interface is pointed to by default. I have other applications listening on that port, however, and need to change it so that ngrok listens on, say,


zelusp picture zelusp · Mar 15, 2016

Create a config.yml wherever ngrok is looking for its default config on your platform. If the directory doesn't exist, make it (on windows this is done by entering .ngrok2. as the folder name).

OS X /Users/example/.ngrok2/ngrok.yml

Linux /home/example/.ngrok2/ngrok.yml

Windows C:\Users\example\.ngrok2\ngrok.yml

Then, in config.yml enter

web_addr: 4045

Since this file is in ngrok's default config directory running ngrok http 1337 from the command line, for example, will now run ngrok listening to your server at port 1337 and serving its web interface on