Accessing ngrok web interface on a Vagrant box

NotoriousWebmaster picture NotoriousWebmaster · Oct 27, 2015 · Viewed 14.9k times · Source

I have a Vagrant box I'm using for local development. I'm working on a webhook, which is being called from outside; so I'm thinking of using to proxy requests to my Vagrant environment. I'm new to this ngrok thing.

I'm trying to figure out how to access ngrok's web interface, which is normally at Of course, that doesn't work from my browser, because it's outside of the Vagrant box, so its localhost is not the Vagrant's localhost.

I (think I) have the Vagrant's IP address. I found it in a config.yaml file (yes, with an a), under vm: network: private_network: 192.168.nnn.nnn

Thanks for your help.


NotoriousWebmaster picture NotoriousWebmaster · Oct 27, 2015

When trying to access a site in a VM, put ngrok in the host machine, and invoke it with:

ngrok http -host-header=rewrite

You'll need to access your site (in host machine's browser) with:

But it will rewrite it to

And you'll be able to access your ngrok dashboard (in host machine's browser) with:

Docs at Best of luck!