Top "Local-storage" questions

LocalStorage is a way to store persistent data using JavaScript (see also: SessionStorage).

How permanent is local storage on Android and iOS?

When my app stores data locally on a phone, how permanent is that storage? I'll elaborate the exact situation: I'm …

cordova local-storage web-sql
On React Router, how to stay logged in state even page refresh?

I'm making a website with React, React Router, and Redux. Lots of routes (pages) require users to be logged in. …

javascript reactjs react-redux react-router local-storage
React Native AsyncStorage storing values other than strings

Is there any way to store values other than strings with AsyncStorage? I want to store simple boolean values for …

ios local-storage storage react-native
setting a variable in local storage

Currently designing a game and the idea is that of a high score, so that when the current score is …

javascript html local-storage 2d-games
localStorage is not defined (Angular Universal)

I am using universal-starter as backbone. When my client starts, it read a token about user info from localStorage. @Injectable() …

angular typescript local-storage angular2-universal
Offline access - SQLite or Indexed DB?

I am in the R&D phase of developing an application, with the following key requirements: HTML5 web application …

html sqlite local-storage indexeddb
How to Set & Get in angular2-localstorage?

From this repo, I've successfully configured this: import {Component} from "angular2/core"; import {LocalStorageService} from "angular2-localstorage/LocalStorageEmitter"; @Component({ provider: […

angular typescript local-storage angular-local-storage
local storage in IE9 fails when the website is accessed directly from the file system

Both statements window['localStorage'] and window.localStorage are undefined when accessing the url "file:///C:/index.html" Is localStorage off …

internet-explorer-9 local-storage isolatedstorage
Storing Credentials in Local Storage

Could I securely use local storage instead of cookies to store session credentials? Would I need to store an encrypted …

javascript security html encryption local-storage
Javascript + HTML5 localstorage

So I'm searching for a good crash course on localstorage and interacting with it in Javascript. I want to build …

javascript html local-storage