Top "Load-testing" questions

Load Testing: A type of performance testing conducted to evaluate the behavior of a component or system with increasing load, e.g. numbers of parallel users and/or numbers of transactions, to determine what load can be handled by the component or system.

Load Testing with AB ... fake failed requests (length)

To do some load testing, for my own curiosity, on my server I ran: ab -kc 50 -t 200 http://localhost/index.…

benchmarking load-testing apachebench
Is there tools for performance and load testing of REST service?

We have web-application with REST interface. Is there some tools to test it?

rest load-testing stress-testing
Using CSV file to read test data from

I need to test a various links of a site (no need to login) with 100's of users and loop …

csv jmeter load-testing jmeter-plugins
JMeter - Trouble sending HTTP request with POST variable?

I am trying to load test a java servlet that fetches records from an archive database. The servlet works as …

jmeter load-testing
Configuring response timeout in Apache JMeter

I am trying to check if a particular HTTP request's response time is over 30 seconds, and if it is, then …

timeout jmeter httpresponse load-testing performance-testing
How to save response in a variable in jmeter

I am performing load testing on my server using jmeter. In one of my post requests, I receive a unique …

post jmeter performance-testing load-testing
How to perform load testing for website using JMeter

I want to create a script in JMeter that simulates e.g. 100 users accessing our site over a period of 3…

testing jmeter performance-testing load-testing
How to do load testing for websockets

We are building a group chat feature, which is using websockets. We want to test how many connections our current …

websocket load-testing
JMeter : How to record HTTPS traffic?

I'm using Apache JMeter 2.3, which now supports "attempt HTTPS spoofing" under the Proxy Server element. I've tried this on several …

performance https automation jmeter load-testing
load test / stress test web services

Does anyone know of a good tool to test load and stress on webservices? I've been looking at Watir and …

web-services load-testing stress-testing