consistent hashing vs. rendezvous (HRW) hashing - what are the tradeoffs?

Peter Friend picture Peter Friend · Dec 26, 2013 · Viewed 8.3k times · Source

There is a lot available on the Net about consistent hashing, and implementations in several languages available. The Wikipedia entry for the topic references another algorithm with the same goals:

Rendezvous Hashing

This algorithm seems simpler, and doesn't need the addition of replicas/virtuals around the ring to deal with uneven loading issues. As the article mentions, it appears to run in O(n) which would be an issue for large n, but references a paper stating it can be structured to run in O(log n).

My question for people with experience in this area is, why would one choose consistent hashing over HRW, or the reverse? Are there use cases where one of these solutions is the better choice?

Many thanks.


Chris Lohfink picture Chris Lohfink · Jan 6, 2014

Primarily I would say the advantage of consistent hashing is when it comes to hotspots. Depending on the implementation its possible to manually modify the token ranges to deal with them.

With HRW if somehow you end up with hotspots (ie caused by poor hashing algorithm choices) there isn't much you can do about it short of removing the hotspot and adding a new one which should balance the requests out.

Big advantage to HRW is when you add or remove nodes you maintain an even distribution across everything. With consistent hashes they resolve this by giving each node 200 or so virtual nodes, which also makes it difficult to manually manage ranges.