Top "Lnk2019" questions

LNK2019 is a common MSVC linker error indicating that the linker was unable to find a required external symbol in any compilation unit.

LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals and LNK2019: unresolved external symbol

I've been getting these two errors and I cant seem to find a solution that works. LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals Error 1 …

c++ matrix external lnk2019
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol main referenced in function __tmainCRTStartup MSVCRTD.lib(crtexe.obj)

I keep receiving the following two errors and I can't figure out why. error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _main referenced …

c++ templates visual-c++ main lnk2019
Visual Studio 2012 link errors with static libraries

I recently upgrade to 2012 from 2005 (I'm pretty sure) and ran into link errors when building my solution. I ran out …

dependencies visual-studio-2012 static-libraries linker-errors lnk2019
Unresolved external symbol error (LNK2019), after inlcuding headers

I know this has been asked probably a thousand times, but I've been biting my nails on this one for …

c++ linker visual-studio-2005 lnk2019
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _main referenced in function ___tmainCRTStartup error

I am programming SDL in C++ and I keep getting an error: error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _main referenced in …

c++ sdl lnk2019
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall

My assignment is to write code to keep track of a sorted linked list using recursion. We were given the …

c++ visual-studio-2010 lnk2019
Error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "toString(int)"

Environment: Windows XP. Visual Studios 2010. Language - C++. I have run into the following link error & have run out …

visual-studio-2010 unresolved-external c++-standard-library lnk2019 stdstring
Qt LNK2019 Error with basic Qt5 application

I am trying to follow a tutorial online and learn Qt5 with QtCreator 2.6.1 However, I went and attempted to write …

c++ qt compiler-errors qt5 lnk2019
C++ LNK2019 error with constructors and destructors in derived classes

I have two classes, one inherited from the other. When I compile, I get the following errors: Entity.obj : error …

c++ inheritance constructor destructor lnk2019
unresolved external Symbol (Constructor)

At building I get the following error: main.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol ""public: __cdecl Worker::Worker(void)" (??0Worker@@…

c++ lnk2019