What is the fastest way to fill ListView from query when it has over 15000 lists with 9 subitems. it is taking me about 6 minute to load.
Here is what I wrote to fill ListView control.
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenForwardOnly, dbReadOnly)
With Me.listViewData
.View = lvwReport
.GridLines = True
.FullRowSelect = True
End With
'Set up column headers
With Me.listViewData.ColumnHeaders
.Add , , "Client", 1440, lvwColumnLeft
.Add , , "Contact", 2160, lvwColumnLeft
.Add , , "Quote #", 720, lvwColumnCenter
.Add , , "Date", 1140, lvwColumnLeft
.Add , , "GrandTotal", 1440, lvwColumnRight
.Add , , "Weighted Value", 1440, lvwColumnRight
.Add , , "Chance %", 500, lvwColumnRight
.Add , , "Sales Cycle", 1140, lvwColumnRight
.Add , , "Won Orders", 1000, lvwColumnRight
.Add , , "SalesRep", 1000, lvwColumnRight
End With
While Not rs.EOF
Set lstItem = Me.listViewData.ListItems.Add()
lstItem.Text = Nz(rs!Name, "")
lstItem.SubItems(1) = Nz(rs!Company, "")
lstItem.SubItems(2) = Nz(rs!QuoteNumber, "")
lstItem.SubItems(3) = Nz(rs!OrderDate, "")
lstItem.SubItems(4) = Nz(Format(rs!GrandTotal, "Currency"), "0.00")
lstItem.SubItems(5) = Nz(Format(rs!GrandTotal * rs!Customfield1 / 100, "Currency"), "")
lstItem.SubItems(6) = Nz(rs!Customfield1, "")
lstItem.SubItems(7) = Nz(rs!Date1, "none")
lstItem.SubItems(8) = Nz(rs!Detail, "")
lstItem.SubItems(9) = Nz(rs!CustomT1, Nz(rs!UserID, ""))
For I = 1 To Me.listViewData.ColumnHeaders.Count - 1
Set sb = lstItem.ListSubItems(I)
If rs!Customfield1 = 100 Or Not IsNull(rs!List) Then
sb.ForeColor = vbBlue
lstItem.ForeColor = vbBlue
ElseIf rs!Cancelled = -1 Then
sb.ForeColor = vbRed
lstItem.ForeColor = vbRed
sb.ForeColor = vbBlack
lstItem.ForeColor = vbBlack
End If
The first thing is you should do is get rid of the "doevents" That's a real performance killer.
Do you have to load the listview dynamically? Why not bind it directly to a datasource?