Top "Listview" questions

A ListView is a graphical screen control or widget provided by UI libraries in a majority of modern operating systems to show items in a list form.

Android : How to set onClick event for Button in List item of ListView

I want to add onClick event for buttons used in item of Listview. How can I give onClick event for …

android listview
How to display a list of images in a ListView in Android?

How do I display a list of images using the ListView? I am downloading the images at run time. The …

android listview android-image
RecyclerView vs. ListView

From android developer (Creating Lists and Cards): The RecyclerView widget is a more advanced and flexible version of ListView. Okay, …

android listview android-recyclerview
How do I remove lines between ListViews on Android?

I'm using two ListViews like this: <ListView android:id="@+id/ListView" android:text="@string/Website" android:layout_height="30px" …

android android-layout listview
Android ListView with onClick items

I'm a new programmer and new in Android. I'm using this example and it works …

android listview methods android-activity elements
Android draw a Horizontal line between views

I have My Layout like below: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="…

android android-layout listview android-intent
How to show an empty view with a RecyclerView?

I am used to put an special view inside the layout file as described in the ListActivity documentation to be …

android listview android-recyclerview no-data
Android ListView Divider

I have this code: <ListView android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:id="@+id/cashItemsList" …

android listview divider
C# ListView Column Width Auto

How can I set the column width of a c# winforms listview control to auto. Something like width = -1 / -2 ?

c# .net winforms listview width
notifyDataSetChange not working from custom adapter

When I repopulate my ListView, I call a specific method from my Adapter. Problem: When I call updateReceiptsList from my …

android listview baseadapter notifydatasetchanged