I have a list that I create as follows:
I wish to create a global variable AllPosition that is a tab. So I did the following:
Is this right?
Then I have to follow problem: I have a function that receives one of the pair in tab. That I wish to remove. So I did this:
place(Line, Column, Tab) :-
AllPos \== [_,_] /*while AllPos isn't empty - not sur if this is done this way*/ -> (member((Line,Column), AllPos) -> (erase(AllPos, (Line,Column), AllPos)).
where erase(List, Element, NewList)
erases the element Element from List and creates a new list NewList equal to List but without Element. Both functions member
and erase
are working.
The thing is... As you might have noticed I use AllPos
everywhere. That's because I want to, I want to modify it so I can use it later (after having removed some elements from it), in another function. Is my logic right? Will I be able to use modified AllPos in another function?
In SWI-Prolog you can use: b_setval(name, value)
and b_getval(name, value)
. And in case you don't want the values change back in case of backtracking, you can make them actual global by using: nb_setval(name, value)
and nb_getval(name, value)
Thus for example if you have a program and you want to check how often it went through a certain path, you can use:
recursive(X) :- add, Y is X + 1, recursive(Y).
add :- nb_getval(counter, C), CNew is C + 1, nb_setval(counter, CNew).
% Set counter to zero
nb_setval(counter, 0),
% Run some code with 'add'
recursive(0), !,
% Print the results
nb_getval(counter, CounterValue),
write('Steps: '), writeln(CounterValue).
This is good for some experimental cases, but in general you will want to avoid global variables in Prolog because Prolog means programming in logic.