Open website from within eclipse's internal browser?

Tomas Pruzina picture Tomas Pruzina · Mar 27, 2012 · Viewed 9.9k times · Source

Could anyone help me with opening web pages from within Eclipse's internal (embedded) browser? I'm running Linux (tiling window manager) and Eclipse-3.7.2 side-by-side with browser and it's a pain.

I want this to be able to comfortably read requirements from my code and at the same time code. This could be a question for superuser but it's Eclipse related so I guess I have better shot for an answer here.

Thanks in advance.


edit: I'm running gentoo linux and swt-3.7.1 with compiled in xulrunner support.

edit2: adding picture of gui menu in response to answer bellow. No menu


Eugene Kuleshov picture Eugene Kuleshov · Mar 27, 2012

Open Window / Customize Perspective... menu then on "Command Group Availability" tab find "Web Browser" entry and make sure it is checked. Then confirm that "Web Browser" is also checked on "Tool Bar Visibility" tab. Then you should see a web browser globe icon on toolbar that would open a web browser editor in the IDE.

Though you'll have to change settings on your picture to use "Internal Web Browser" then it will be opened as an Eclipse editor.

enter image description here