i'm trying to move folders to another folders using command line, with overwrite if already exists, but i got error "Is a directory" when using mv..
mv src/test/ dest/
there are many files and folders on src/test/, there are also some files and some folders on dest/
and i want files and folders on dest/ replaced with files and folder from src/test/ if exists, example:
src/test/bla/boo replaces dest/bla/boo
src/test/bla/bla/boo replaces dest/bla/bla/boo
also, everytime one file transfer completed, that one file deleted from src/test/
and overall transfer progress bar would be fine..
what rsync flag should i use to make this happend?
The following command line should achieve what you want:
$ rsync -a --progress --remove-source-files src/test/ dest