Installing tshark on RHEL

Chander Shivdasani picture Chander Shivdasani · Nov 23, 2011 · Viewed 35.7k times · Source

Is there a way to install tshark on RHEL machines using yum install?

when i did: yum install tshark

I got back:

Setting up Install Process
No package tshark available.
Nothing to do

When i did: yum list tshark I got back:

 Loaded plugins: rhnplugin, security
Error: No matching Packages to list


Chander Shivdasani picture Chander Shivdasani · Nov 23, 2011

The problem seems to be solved. To install tshark(CLI of wireshark) just do following:

sudo yum install wireshark

This will install tshark in /usr/sbin/tshark

To install wireshark with gui, do the following:

sudo yum install wireshark-gnome