Bash: executing commands from within a chroot and switch user

dgrandes picture dgrandes · Nov 16, 2011 · Viewed 41k times · Source

Im writing a script that should do this...

chroot /chroot_dir/ su -
./ (This should run within the su environment)

I have tried this approach:

chroot /chroot_dir /bin/bash -c " su -; ./"

This tries to execute the user switching and the script as a string command to bash...however what it does, is it "stops" after "su -" and doesnt execute the script. However, once I leave the "su -" environment, it does try to run but of course, it cant find it.

Basically I need to nest the "" to be run inside the "su -" environment...


Michael Krelin - hacker picture Michael Krelin - hacker · Nov 16, 2011


chroot /chroot_dir /bin/bash -c "su - -c ./"