How to scp to Amazon s3?

qliq picture qliq · Sep 7, 2011 · Viewed 48.9k times · Source

I need to send backup files of ~2TB to S3. I guess the most hassle-free option would be Linux scp command (have difficulty with s3cmd and don't want an overkill java/RoR to do so).

However I am not sure whether it is possible: How to use S3's private and public keys with scp, and don't know what would be my destination IP/url/path?

I appreciate your hints.


Sridhar Sarnobat picture Sridhar Sarnobat · Jun 2, 2015

As of 2015, SCP/SSH is not supported (and probably never will be for the reasons mentioned in the other answers).

Official AWS tools for copying files to/from S3

  1. command line tool (pip3 install awscli) - note credentials need to be specified, I prefer via environment variables rather than a file: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.

    aws s3 cp /tmp/foo/ s3://bucket/ --recursive --exclude "*" --include "*.jpg"

    and an rsync-like command:

    aws s3 sync . s3://mybucket
  2. Web interface:

Non-AWS methods

Any other solutions depend on third-party executables (e.g. botosync, jungledisk...) which can be great as long as they are supported. But third party tools come and go as years go by and your scripts will have a shorter shelf life.

EDIT: Actually, AWS CLI is based on botocore:

So botosync deserves a bit more respect as an elder statesman than I perhaps gave it.