I have SVN configured in Linux at a different location and I need to check-in a shell script to SVN with executable attribute ON from Windows. I use Bamboo as CI, which checks out sources from SVN and does the periodic build. It throws error that shell script is not executable. (Bamboo run as root).
What is the best way to set the executable permission?
I don't use any SVN client and use eclipse to check-in and check-out. If SVN client is the only, how do I find a version that is compatible with SVN plugin that I use in eclipse. I had a compatibility problem earlier. When I checked-in a file from Tortoise, I couldn't checkout that file from Eclipse.
svn propset svn:executable "*" someScript
The syntax is propset key value
so svn:executable
is the key and "*"
is the value
is the filename