Reloading Flash 17 times causes error #2046 and requires a browser restart

Ruy Diaz picture Ruy Diaz · Jul 25, 2011 · Viewed 8.7k times · Source

I am encountering some very strange behaviour with a Flex 4.1 app I am writing which gets in the way of testing. It seems that I can reload the app 16 times and then on the 17th, the loading process fails with

Error #2046: The loaded file did not have a valid signature

It seems to be consistently happening on the 17th reload on both Firefox 5.0 and Chrome 12. I am not sure if it's relevant, but I am running Flash Player v10.2.159.1 (also happens with on Ubuntu 10.04. Happens with both regular and debugger versions of the player. When I run the app on Windows FF5, it doesn't seem to happen. Closing the current browser window does not seem to fix it. The only way around it is to completely close all browser windows and restart the browser. And then again after 16 successful loads, the 17th fails.

At this point I'm thinking of chalking it as a Linux Flash bug but I'd like to make sure and check if anyone knows if there's something I should be doing to prevent this.

The user from this post seems to have had the same problem but I guess he didn't notice the pattern I have.

Any help will be greatly appreciated. Ruy

== UPDATE ==

I just realized that after my app starts throwing the 2046 error, trying to load any other Flash that uses signed RSLs also shows the 2046 error (e.g. this app), which means the problem is not specific to my app and most likely related to the Flash cache or something of the sort.


starmole picture starmole · Aug 29, 2011

Disclosure: I am a Flash Player Developer at Adobe. This is unlikely to get much attention as it is Linux only and kind of an edge case: Probably annoying during dev work but very few users will reload the same page more than 16 times. It might also be a browser issue. But it is probably us :) I will look at the jira tomorrow and see if I can bump it up a bit, but I'll be honest in that it is really an edge case and unlikely to get much love. If you want to increase your chances make sure to add the most simple .swf test case you can make to the bug. Also please double check if it still happens with the latest beta.
I also just took a look at the earlier bug reports and forum posts, you probably should post this as a Flash Player bug, not as Flex.