Oracle XE - Just can't login after install

vmassuchetto picture vmassuchetto · Jan 4, 2011 · Viewed 9.3k times · Source

That sounds really stupid.

On Lubuntu 10.10, I did:

echo "deb unstable main non-free" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-get update ; apt-get install oracle-xe

That brings me Oracle XE And then:

/etc/init.d/oracle-xe configure

Everything looks ok, including the password prompt and so. After that, I go to, and when I try to login with the username "SYSTEM", and the password I just typed. I get a "Invalid Login Credentials" error.

I also tried:

sqlplus /nolog
[ .. login and password .. ]
ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied

Setting the environment variables also don't help.


Well.. I just don't know what's happening. I repeated this procedure trying to find peculiar things, but always got the same results. Also tried some other users as "SYS". useless...

Thanks in advance.


Rajesh K picture Rajesh K · Feb 14, 2011

Guys, I've been breakin my head with the same issue and finally got it logging in.. Here is the key.. in case u ve already installed oracle, just remove it and purge and then reinstall with the steps in the given link..

And don't forget to give a longer password this time.. "minimum 8 chars" as I picked it up from some forum..