I have forgotten my passphrase for my gpg key on linux. Can someone please help me write a simple script to use bruteforce to crack the key? I remember some of the words which MIGHT be in the passphrase, so hopefully, it will not take long for my computer to bruteforce it.
All is not lost if I can't recover the passphrase, it just means I will not be able to work on my project for the next 10 days until I get back to work to get another copy of the files, but this time with a new key for which I will remember to passphrase.
However, it will be nice to be able to work on my project in these 10 days.
Maybe something like:
# try all word in words.txt
for word in $(cat words.txt); do
# try to decrypt with word
echo "${word}" | gpg --passphrase-fd 0 --no-tty --decrypt somegpgfile.gpg --output somegpgfile;
# if decrypt is successfull; stop
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "GPG passphrase is: ${word}";
exit 0;
exit 1;