Can Windows Containers be hosted on linux?

Sebastian 506563 picture Sebastian 506563 · Feb 10, 2017 · Viewed 183.7k times · Source

Is it possible to run Windows Containers on Linux? The scenario is based on an app written in the .NET (old net) and the Linux user that wants to run this with Docker to provide a net462 written API on the localhost.

I am using beta version from Docker Desktop for Windows

If no, then why can Windows run Linux containers and not vice-versa?


As some time has passed and this question is a popular one. I'd like to add one note here that the workaround is to use the new netstandard. It allowed me to pack 4.6.2 framework into new library.


evgenyl picture evgenyl · Feb 12, 2017

Update3: 06.2019 Some of the comments says that the answer is not clear, I'll try to clarify.


Q: Can Windows containers run on Linux?