Location of .bashrc for "Bash on Ubuntu on Windows" in Windows 10

Meet Taraviya picture Meet Taraviya · Nov 26, 2016 · Viewed 46.9k times · Source

Microsoft just introduced a Linux subsystem in its Windows 10 Anniversary Edition. The installation is pretty straight forward, but I could not locate bash files on Windows.

How does it work? What does ~ refer to in Windows? Where to find .bashrc?


ncw picture ncw · Mar 9, 2018

Since the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, the location changed to:



  • {DIST} is equal to CanonicalGroupLimited.UbuntuonWindows_79rhkp1fndgsc
  • {LINUXUSER} is the user for which you are looking for the .bashrc file

Just for anyone wondering that came here from Google.