I want to add fontawesome icons to my i3bar. I installed the package "ttf-font-awesome" via yaourt and added the necessary unicode characters to my i3status config and added the font pango as "FontAwesome" to my i3bar config. The icons should be displaying but all that shows are the unicode characters. Is there a specific package I need to install or did I edit the configs improperly?
Funny thing is that i came over this thread while searching for the same.
Anyways, according to Arch Wiki you load FontAwesome like this font pango:DejaVu Sans Mono, FontAwesome 8
, and the icons according to the cheatsheet. For example 
for the terminal icon.
edit: as mentioned below, you copy/paste the icon itself from the cheatsheet. I recommend you try out either one, and stick with the one that is working.
Mini example below.
# set $ws2 "2:" # With the icon code from the cheasheet
set $ws2 "1 ï„ " # With the icon copy/pasted from the cheatsheet
bar {
font pango:DejaVu Sans Mono, FontAwesome 8